90% Mental-Ultra Distance Paddling Adventures

Adventure Racing & Yukon 1000 with Bend Racing

Jennifer Fratzke Season 2 Episode 2

In this episode we talk story with Jason Magness and Daniel Staudigel of Bend Racing. These two just set a new record for fastest time racing in the Yukon 1000, completing the course in just 5 days, 11 hours and 48 minutes. The prior record was 6 days 2 hours and 11 minutes in 2009.

Jason and Dan are no strangers to adventure racing. In fact, they are part of Team Bend Racing, located in Bend Oregon. While we talked story about their experience at the Yukon 1000, the conversations free flowed into everything adventure racing. We learned about what it takes to enter these kinds of races, how to train, what to eat and more. It really made me want to enter one! 

Here are just a few of the most recent adventure races they have competed in:

2nd  -Americas Toughest Race  | Bend, OR  | May 2021
1st  -WA 360 Race  |   June 2021
1st  - Wembo 24 hour Nationals  |   July 2021
4th & 5th  -USARA Nationals  |  Sept 2021                     
1st  -Expedition Canada  |   Oct 2021
24th -Top American Team  | World Championships  |  Oct 2021

Check the Team out at  http:\\www.bendracing.com

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