90% Mental-Ultra Distance Paddling Adventures

Hallucinations happen...

Jennifer Fratzke Season 1 Episode 4

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In this episode we explore hallucinations in ultra-distance racing. They are not something that happens to everyone, but for a lot of us, they happen so often that some pretty outrageous stories are created. From giant whirlpools, bookshelves rising out of the river, lego waterfalls, to mutant pigs, these athletes has "seen" it all. Jennifer shares some insight on how to prepare, deal with and let go of these strange occurrences.

Stories by:

Bill Siersdorfer
Terry Short
Geoff Waters
Candi Hill
Rusty & Amber Coons
Steve Schnarr
Zenith Sara (support team for 2 males)
Gina Bradley
Susan Tretter
Marie Ramsey (and husband)
Chris Gemlo
Dan Prater
David Blackman

Mahalo for sharing via Audio File and Facebook!

Races you may experience hallucinations:

Texas Water Safari
Great Alabama 650

How to prepare:

In 2016, Trail Runner Magazine came out with an article titled “Ultra Running Hallucinations Happen. Heres How to Deal With Them” The author, Doug Mayer shares a few suggestions on how to handle this strange phenom.


  1. Feed your brain-minds require oxygen and sugar to function properly
  2. Sleep when you can-power naps
  3. Avoid anticipating-done anticipate the hallucination
  4. Look assertively-focus on the race aggressively, don’t drift into Lala land or tunnel vision
  5. Use a pacer-in canoe world, if someone is around you, engage with them, who knows, they might be struggling as well
  6. Keep calm-let it go. 

Personal Fixes:

A. Splash your face with river water
B. Slap yourself (not too hard)
C. Touch things that you know are real, your paddle your boat
D. Breath.... Make sure you are getting enough oxygen with deep breaths IN your nose and OUT your mouth.
E. Eat some sugar
F. Eat some carbs.

GREAT Lifejackets are a MUST....so here is the link to buy one!!!!


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